ATS Communications Educates Customers To Be Aware Of Fraudulent Bills From Telecommunications Carriers
March 14th, 2014 by admin
ATS Communications, an industry leader in unified communications, announced today that the region’s businesses should be aware of fraudulent bills coming from companies posing as telecommunications carriers. Impersonators have been attempting to defraud organizations and ATS Communications is determined to make sure its customers are aware of this threat. The Department of Consumer Protection has launched an investigation into a company calling itself “UST” or “US Telecom” who has been claiming that the aforementioned invoices were for preventive maintenance on existing telephone systems. As a result, ATS Communications is warning all of its customers and the business community it serves. Many organizations find themselves overworked, pressed for time and unable to catch every single detail. Unfortunately, this leaves room for scams like this to occur. The perpetrating company, “UST” had been posing as “USTelecom” in an effort to go unnoticed while collecting illegitimate revenues. The scheme exploited the commonplace nature of preventative maintenance invoices, which are regularly sent out by telecommunications carriers and broadband providers alike. “The reason they were able to pull a stunt like this was because they took advantage of the fact that CEOs and other executives simply have too many things that require their attention,” stated Sanford Gladding, Vice President/Sales & Marketing of ATS Communications. “This is exactly why we meet with our customers on a regular basis to review, analyze and consult on their telecommunications and Internet connectivity bills. While we can see things like this coming from a mile away, our customers are too busy growing their businesses.” ATS Communications has differentiated itself over the years by aligning its interests with its customers’ interests. For example, when ATS Communications initially sits down with a prospective customer, it first conducts an in-depth analysis of the existing network infrastructure, unnecessary lines, unnecessary billing and then interviews top level executives to gain a global understanding of what management is looking to achieve through the adoption of technology. Other business communications companies are much more transactional in nature and lack a relationship-based approach, in which both companies look out for one another. “We’ve always looked to partner with our customers, so we can be their trusted resource, not just their technology supplier,” commented Mr. Gladding. “Our goal is to share our expertise with everyone in our business community, and over the years we’ve found that whether we do business with someone or we just help them understand their own business communications infrastructure better, people tend to enjoy our interactions. As experts, we consider it our duty to watch out for scams like this and to make sure our community is protected.”Posted in: Press Releases