PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at 4 AM for much of Northern California. For planning purposes, PG&E suggests customers prepare for outages that could last several days. Please take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of your systems if you are in a targeted shutdown area. See if your area is affected here...

National Account Program

Illustration of United States Map in Dark Blue

National Services

The world is truly becoming a smaller place. Multi-site and multi-state organizations are becoming a more common reality. If you find yourself in this situation, know that ATS Communications' National Account Program (NAP) will support you and deliver our full range of services almost anywhere in the United States. Support every office like it's your "main" office by giving them the tools and support resources that they need to maximize their contribution to your bottom line.

Wherever You Need Us

Through our membership with Technology Assurance Group (TAG), an international association of unified communications companies serving more than 130 marketplaces across the United States and Canada, ATS Communications truly has the ability to deliver a national support solution. Our National Help Desk can dispatch on-site engineers in as little as four hours to almost anywhere in the United States. Each service center is under direct contract with ATS Communications. We never make use of third-party service centers, so we maintain control of the project or service ticket. You get centralized management and consistent service every time.

As a premier member of TAG, ATS Communications is positioned as the leader in unified communications providing advanced solutions to the marketplace. We have met rigorous annual qualifications through required company and employee training programs to become a TAG Member. This unique relationship enables us to adopt cutting-edge best business practices, deliver innovative programs, and partner with elite technology manufacturers and application service providers. As a result of this exclusive membership, ATS Communications is the most competitive company in the industry. We have a greater capacity to increase our customers' profitability, enhance employee productivity, and provide sustainable competitive advantages. To learn more about TAG, please visit

Whenever You Need Us

ATS Communications will be there when you need us. Whether it's an implementation we're planning together weeks or months in advance or that emergency service ticket in a remote part of the United States, you can count on us to honor our commitments. We even give you the ability to monitor the status of each project or service request via our web-based Client Portal where you can enter, track, and review the status of service tickets at any point in time.