As technology develops, more businesses are moving their data and services to the cloud. It alleviates many of the problems associated with premise-based communications – physical space constraints, hardware obsolescence, incompatibility, and so on. As cloud technology offers so many more features and has become more cost-effective than purely premise-based solutions, the move to the cloud is inevitable.
Most IT teams spend more time solving the daily "fires" of IT and struggle to stay focused on their primary focus of creating and managing a stable IT network and looking for new technologies and practices for their business.
Filtering hundreds of server alerts, researching issues, troubleshooting and fixing problems can be a daunting exercise in any IT environment. Yet the job must be done. Server downtime and its high associate costs negatively impact both productivity and ROI.
Virtualization allows businesses to reduce their hardware footprint, from as many as half a dozen servers to just one or two. This not only cuts down on the expenses of maintaining excess hardware, it's an ecological, "green" solution.