PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at 4 AM for much of Northern California. For planning purposes, PG&E suggests customers prepare for outages that could last several days. Please take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of your systems if you are in a targeted shutdown area. See if your area is affected here...

PRO-IT - Managed IT Services

Forget about your network and focus on your business!

We are a proactive outsourcing partner that can suggest meaningful improvements in business processes, and share best practices. We can help establish goals that focus on how improved IT services delivery can result in better business value. We ensure that the right processes and technology are implemented in order to achieve your businesses goals. Thus, helping you achieve higher productivity and profitability.

Learn How ATS Can Help with Your IT Needs

As voice and data technologies emerge with new applications, they also converge. What historically has been two separate platforms are now a single network with multiple applications. As a result, ATS continually evolves our expertise and offerings to continue to be the right partner for businesses.

What Are ATS's PRO-IT Services?

PRO-IT means Professional, Proactive and Proficient IT support and management of all related IT technologies for your business. For the last 15 of our 42 years of being in business, ATS has offered consultation, support and solutions for all aspects of your IT environment.

Why Should I Use PRO-IT Services?

Save Time and Money: ProIT Services are designed to save you productivity and money by vastly reducing the risk of downtime with efficient and proactive management of your IT network. With our solutions your network will constantly be monitored and managed to where problems will be identified and resolved before they are even known to your users. Our solutions use technologies to ensure your systems are up and working properly so your internal IT resources can focus on other core business priorities and overall business strategies.

Compliance: ProIT Services include assessments, recommendations and implementation of solutions to ensure your business is meeting compliancy requirements including HIPAA and PCI.

The ATS Difference: With our extensive history in voice technologies and our expertise in IT, ATS is uniquely qualified to be able to be the single partner to handle all of your technology needs. Most other IT providers won't (or can't) support voice applications on your network: ATS will partner with you to review and implement best practice solutions including integrating voice, data and cloud applications into your business environment.

Our Comprehensive Support Services Include:

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  • Accessible & Responsive Support for your employees enhances productivity
  • Diverse Expertise ensures all of your support needs are met
  • Reduce costs through a proactive support model
  • Stabilize and secure your environment
  • Guaranteed Service Levels ensure you have support when you need it
  • Ongoing business reviews ensure we are providing the support you need


  • US Based Help Desk & Network Operations Center
  • 365, 24x7 monitoring and support using ITIL-based best practices and methodologies
  • Patch assessment, vulnerability scanning, and security reporting to help meet audit requirements for Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, GLBA and privacy regulations
  • Proactive management to handle day-to-day maintenance tasks
  • We leverage an Alliance Accredited Master MSP for our remote support solutions

Read our latest articles about managed IT services.