PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff is scheduled for Wednesday, October 9th at 4 AM for much of Northern California. For planning purposes, PG&E suggests customers prepare for outages that could last several days. Please take appropriate actions to ensure the safety of your systems if you are in a targeted shutdown area. See if your area is affected here...

IT Management ATS Communications

July 4th, 2016 by admin

Tired of managing your network? With our managed IT services, your can forget about your network and focus on your business. Some of the benefits of our services include: reduced costs, stability, guaranteed service levels, accessible and responsive support at the disposal of your employees, and diverse expertise.
Our services include best practice assessment, remote management and monitoring, help desk services, anti-virus email filtering, network security, business continuity, virtualization and the cloud, Wifi, and project work. Let a load off today and get access to our variety of services.
Find out more about our IT Management at:

Posted in: Managed IT Services